
Dr Maxim Orlovsky [LNP/BP]
1/ With #RGB one needs to change a mindset from “ethereum smart contracts” to normal understanding of what smart contract is. And first, this is a _contract_ between parties. Well-defined parties. Not some record in a global registry, like this concept was distorted in ethereum.
12:23 PM · 9 de mar de 2021 em Zug, Schweiz·Twitter for iPhone
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Dr Maxim Orlovsky [LNP/BP]
9 de mar de 2021
Em resposta a 
2/ RGB is _bearer rights_ smart contracts, returning the world what was lost of the true free market because of regulations and requirements for centralized censorhip with global registries (even when they are on blockchain, decentralization does not make them less global).
Dr Maxim Orlovsky [LNP/BP]
9 de mar de 2021
3/ Next, after shifting the point of view, you understand that as an owner of something you are responsible for your own self to keep the data required for securing and ensuring your actual ownership
Dr Maxim Orlovsky [LNP/BP]
9 de mar de 2021
4/ ownership is: map with the route to the hidden treasury/vault in case of digital gold; keys from the safe/valut in case of paper bearer corporate shares or bonds; private keys in case of bitcoin and RGB client-validated data in case of RGB smart contracts
Dr Maxim Orlovsky [LNP/BP]
9 de mar de 2021
5/ But how you prove your ownership/digital rights to other party? Well, in case of paper shares you demonstrate you paper with the original signature on it. In case of RGB, you demonstrate your client-validated data, which are committed in a unique way to a blockhain.
Dr. Maxim Orlovsky [LNP/BP]
9 de mar de 2021
6/ Tyto závazky jsou skryté a bezpečné ve smyslu, že w/o klienta-ověřené údaje jste schopni, aby jim zdají onchain s sledovací nástroje. 
Dr. Maxim Orlovsky [LNP/BP]
9 de mar de 2021
7/ To dokazuje, historii svého vlastnictví až do vydání - a budete veryfy vydání (genesis) kontrolou totožnosti vydavatele (nebo confirmance do emisních podmínek se v případě decentralizované vydávání, které je také možné v RGB) 
Dr. Maxim Orlovsky [LNP/BP]
9 de mar de 2021
8/ Nakonec, váš hlavní otázku: jak se tam strany, může komunikovat s některými inteligentní smlouvy? No, samozřejmě, že může dělat to pouze způsobem, který je povolen podle smlouvy creator a (možná) nějakou konkrétní sadu vlastníků. 
Dr. Maxim Orlovsky [LNP/BP]
9 de mar de 2021
9/ například, může vydat své aktiva pouze v případě, že byla povolena smlouva tvůrce(y), a to pouze v přísném confirmance jejich pravidel. Technicky, budete potřebovat přístup k zakázce genesis + (volitelně), některé části historie až do určitého stavu, v případě potřeby. 
Dr. Maxim Orlovsky [LNP/BP]
9 de mar de 2021
10/ Pak si vytvořit takzvaný "státní rozšíření", vytvoření/definování nového státu (=issing majetku atd.). Tato operace musí být v souladu se smart smlouvy, jinak vaše nové vydané státem, nikdo nebude akceptovat! 
Dr. Maxim Orlovsky [LNP/BP]
9 de mar de 2021
11/ Takže, pokud potřebujete, aby "komunikovat s inteligentní zakázky" z venku, nejprve to musí být povoleno smlouvou tvůrce, druhá potřebujete genesis pro tu smlouvu, a za třetí, budete muset udělat "veřejné státní rozšíření" podle smluvních pravidel 
Dr. Maxim Orlovsky [LNP/BP]
9 de mar de 2021
12/ Pokud máte dva majitelé některých práv v rámci nějaké smlouvy, kteří chtějí komunikovat nepotřebují "veřejné rozšíření". Místo toho, oni mohou používat atomové swapy, Dlc a jiné technologie, aby struktura synchronizované/zcela s tímto článkem převod vlastnictví, 
Dr. Maxim Orlovsky [LNP/BP]
9 de mar de 2021
13/ ... zároveň potvrzení RGB smlouvy pravidla pro převod — a to je vše. Jejich struktura jejich řešení na vrcholu bitcoin tx/LN (mulripeer)kanál/další platební kanál nebo atomové swap výměna + jejich klient prověřován stav

Dr Maxim Orlovsky [LNP/BP]
1/ With #RGB one needs to change a mindset from “ethereum smart contracts” to normal understanding of what smart contract is. And first, this is a _contract_ between parties. Well-defined parties. Not some record in a global registry, like this concept was distorted in ethereum.
12:23 PM · 9 de mar de 2021 em Zug, Schweiz·Twitter for iPhone
 Tweets com comentário
Dr Maxim Orlovsky [LNP/BP]
9 de mar de 2021
Em resposta a 
2/ RGB is _bearer rights_ smart contracts, returning the world what was lost of the true free market because of regulations and requirements for centralized censorhip with global registries (even when they are on blockchain, decentralization does not make them less global).
Dr Maxim Orlovsky [LNP/BP]
9 de mar de 2021
3/ Next, after shifting the point of view, you understand that as an owner of something you are responsible for your own self to keep the data required for securing and ensuring your actual ownership
Dr Maxim Orlovsky [LNP/BP]
9 de mar de 2021
4/ ownership is: map with the route to the hidden treasury/vault in case of digital gold; keys from the safe/valut in case of paper bearer corporate shares or bonds; private keys in case of bitcoin and RGB client-validated data in case of RGB smart contracts
Dr Maxim Orlovsky [LNP/BP]
9 de mar de 2021
5/ But how you prove your ownership/digital rights to other party? Well, in case of paper shares you demonstrate you paper with the original signature on it. In case of RGB, you demonstrate your client-validated data, which are committed in a unique way to a blockhain.
Dr Maxim Orlovsky [LNP/BP]
9 de mar de 2021
6/ These commitments are hidden/secure in terms that w/o client-validated data you are unable to seem them onchain with any tracking tools.
Dr Maxim Orlovsky [LNP/BP]
9 de mar de 2021
7/ This proves a history of your ownership right up to the issuance - and you will veryfy the issuance (genesis) by checking the identity of the issuer (or confirmance to the issuance conditions in case of decentralized issuance, which is also possible in RGB)
Dr Maxim Orlovsky [LNP/BP]
9 de mar de 2021
8/ Finally, your main question: how there parties can interact with some smart contract? Well, of course they can do that only in a way which is allowed by the contract creator and (possibly) some specific set of owners.
Dr Maxim Orlovsky [LNP/BP]
9 de mar de 2021
9/ For instance, you may issue your assets only if that was allowed by the contract creator(s) and only in strict confirmance to their rules. Technically, you will need access to the contract genesis + (optionally) some part of the history up to a specific state, if needed.
Dr Maxim Orlovsky [LNP/BP]
9 de mar de 2021
10/ Then you create so-called “state extension”, creating/defining new state (=issing assets etc). This operation must conform to smart contract, otherwise your new issued state noone will accept!
Dr Maxim Orlovsky [LNP/BP]
9 de mar de 2021
11/ So, if you need to “interact with the smart contract” from outside, first it must be allowed by contract creator, second you need a genesis for that contract and third you will have to do a “public state extension” according to the contract rules
Dr Maxim Orlovsky [LNP/BP]
9 de mar de 2021
12/ If you have two owners of some rights under some contract wishing to interact they do not need “public extensions” for that. Instead, they can use atomic swaps, DLCs and any other technology to structure synchronized/trustless ownership transfer,
Dr Maxim Orlovsky [LNP/BP]
9 de mar de 2021
13/ ... at the same time confirming to RGB contract rules for the transfer — and that’s all. They structure their deal on top of bitcoin tx/LN (mulripeer)channel/other payment channel or atomic swap + exchange their client-validated state  


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